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Billboards Bring Attention to Israeli Hostages

Tags: Federation, Israel

Billboards Bring Attention to Israeli Hostages

Thank you to News 5 Cleveland for their coverage of Jewish Federation of Cleveland's billboard campaign for the Israeli hostages.

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Cleveland Jewish Community Shows Support for Hostages

Tags: Federation, Israel, Advocacy, Overseas

Cleveland Jewish Community Shows Support for Hostages

About 100 community members showed their support for the hostages taken by Hamas during a gathering held by the Jewish Federation of Cleveland on Sept. 6 on its front lawn near the hostage ribbon display at 25701 Science Park Drive in Beachwood.

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Upcoming Events for You

Tags: Federation, Arts, Israel, Overseas, Volunteer, Women

Upcoming Events for You

We hope to see you at our September events. We look forward to opening a new exhibit in Federation's Roe Green Gallery, welcoming an Israeli expert on the Israel/Gaza war to share his insight, volunteering prior to the holidays at a local Jewish cemetery, and more.

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Time is Running Out

Tags: Federation, Blog, Israel

Time is Running Out

For more than 300 days, we have been praying for the safe and immediate release of the hostages taken by Hamas last October. “Bring Them Home Now” is not just some slogan – it’s a plea for humanity.

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Federation Has a Long History of Responding in Times of Crisis at Home and Abroad

Tags: Federation, Israel, Overseas, Advocacy

Federation Has a Long History of Responding in Times of Crisis at Home and Abroad

Just 48 hours after the deadly Oct. 7, 2023, surprise attack on Israel by Hamas, the Jewish Federation of Cleveland gathered more than 2,000 Jewish and non-Jewish individuals to pray and support Israel outside of its Beachwood offices.

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How One High School Program Helped College Students Combat Hate On Campus

Tags: Federation, Israel, Young Adults, Advocacy, Campaign25

How One High School Program Helped College Students Combat Hate On Campus

When it launched some 20 years ago, no one could have predicted how desperately needed this program of @akiva High School – a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland – would be today.

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Travel Blog: Young Professional Volunteer Mission to Israel

Tags: Israel, Federation, Overseas, Young Adults

Travel Blog: Young Professional Volunteer Mission to Israel

Participants on the Cleveland Young Professional Volunteer Mission to Israel spent eight days volunteering across the country, met with Israeli contemporaries to learn more about their lives, and experienced life in Israel post-October 7. Read about some of the participants' experience below:

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WATCH: Jewish Cleveland Volunteer Mission to Kibbutz Kissufim

Tags: Federation, Israel, Volunteer, Video, Campaign25

WATCH: Jewish Cleveland Volunteer Mission to Kibbutz Kissufim

After the devastation that occurred on October 7, Cleveland immediately stepped up to help the communities impacted by the attacks. Cleveland has since established a partnership with Kibbutz Kissufim, a community in the Gaza envelope that suffered a great deal of damage on October 7. In April, several volunteers from Cleveland traveled to Israel and spent two days helping rebuild Kibbutz Kissufim. Cleveland and Israeli volunteers from our sister community of Beit Shean/Valley of Springs were able to exchange stories, laugh together, and build hope while gardening and cleaning the Kissufim community.

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Federation Offers Business, Civic Leaders Firsthand Look at Israel Post-Oct.7

Tags: Federation, Advocacy, Israel

Federation Offers Business, Civic Leaders Firsthand Look at Israel Post-Oct.7

To allow more people to engage in Jewish life and learn more about the current state of Israel, the Jewish Federation of Cleveland took business and civic leaders in Cleveland of various religious faiths to Israel from April 13 through April 16.

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Upcoming Events for You

Tags: Federation, Arts, Israel

Upcoming Events for You

We hope to see you at our July events. This month, we are hosting fun and free events for Jewish Cleveland-area college students, two gallery open houses of our current art exhibit from photographer Michal Chelbin, and a community-wide security training on situational awareness.

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